Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Just This Day

Our world is busy and in the turmoil we forget we all share the same space. Families, communities and countries live with conflict, poverty and disease. How can we make a difference?
Stop For Just One Day
Go beyond nationality, religion or belief and remember the still, silent presence where everything is united. It belongs to us all.

Send us a message of support and join our worldwide discussion list.
Use the links on the right hand side of the page to find out more and to contribute.
Thank you


justthisdayinfo said...

I am actually just wondering how to put a post up on your blog? I've accidentally created my own account but don't see how I put something up on this site? Or do I just make a comment?

Career History said...

I'm new to this too! It would seem that guests can only make comments. Maybe we need somthing better?

justthisdayinfo said...

More about Just this Day:
The aim of November 28th is to get as many people as possible to join a wave of stillness across the world, and to realise the potential of stillness as having a positive effect on the individual and the world.

Step 1: Decide you are going to be part of this. Tell people. Help promote stillness.
Step 2: Be There. Be Still. Be at Peace

Unknown said...

Hello there,

This is a very nice idea & I shall e-mail the details onto friends.

- Paul.

DS Razzmatazz said...

Hi, I just read your page.. it is quite interesting. I totally agree with changing our lives for at least one day...
That is sweet, but I would like you to remember that this world has two sides and sadly it will never be totally at peace...
However I'll really try to reserve that day for this proyect (I have a bad memory)
PS:i'm new to this too... dun worry!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea. Smaller things have changed the world.

Interesting that beyond countries, beyond religion, beyond creed and beyond skin and even flesh, we are all just atoms bouncing around each other. Do you think galaxies have the same warring tendencies, not realising that they are all made up of little rocks, some inhabited, some not?

In the macrocosm of the year; we need a day to turn the microscope inward.

Frankly, I would have picked October the 3rd (my birthday), but hey...whatever...
